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Empowering workshops and retreats to find inner joy and wisdom
• 如果您能通过马的方式给您的生活带来更多的欢乐和富足,那会怎样?
• 如果您能够调频到您的“真实自我”并听到您的内心在歌唱,那会怎样?
• 如果您能够理解自己情绪背后的信息并发挥自己的真正力量,那会怎样?

Allow yourself to receive the horse's gift,
the gift of being you.
With the "The Horse's Gift",
discover how it feels to be grounded,
authentic, open and soaring in
the unlimited potential of creation.
All of the work is done safely from the ground
and has been created for the non-horse person
and the avid horse-people alike..
Welcome "Home", in the Heart of Mother Nature, in the Art of Resonance.
Empowering workshops and retreats in co-creation with Horses and Nature.
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